文藝 文艺
[wén yì]
literature and art
⇒ 阳春白雪
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 literature and art
- 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art
- 文艺学 study of art and literature
- 文艺创作 literary and artistic creation
- 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists
- 文艺复兴 The Renaissance
- 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic fields
- 文艺会演 festival of the performing arts; arts festival
- 文艺节目 programme of entertainment; song and dance; theatrical performance
- 文艺理论 theory of literature and art
- 文艺路线 official line in literature and art
- 文艺批评 literary or art criticism
- 文艺评论 literary criticism
- 文艺思潮 literary and artistic trend
- 文艺思想 concepts of art and literary
- 文艺团体 literary and artistic institution; theatre company; theatre troupe
- 文艺语言 literary language
- 文艺政策 policy on art and literature
- 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
- 文艺工作者 writers and artists
- 文艺批评家 literary or art critic
- 文艺社会学 sociology of art and literature
- 文艺心理学 psychology of art and literature
- 文艺座谈会 forum on literature and art
名 literature and art
- 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art
- 文艺学 study of art and literature
- 文艺创作 literary and artistic creation
- 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists
- 文艺复兴 The Renaissance
- 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic fields
- 文艺会演 festival of the performing arts; arts festival
- 文艺节目 programme of entertainment; song and dance; theatrical performance
- 文艺理论 theory of literature and art
- 文艺路线 official line in literature and art
- 文艺批评 literary or art criticism
- 文艺评论 literary criticism
- 文艺思潮 literary and artistic trend
- 文艺思想 concepts of art and literary
- 文艺团体 literary and artistic institution; theatre company; theatre troupe
- 文艺语言 literary language
- 文艺政策 policy on art and literature
- 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
- 文艺工作者 writers and artists
- 文艺批评家 literary or art critic
- 文艺社会学 sociology of art and literature
- 文艺心理学 psychology of art and literature
- 文艺座谈会 forum on literature and art
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
文学和艺术的总称,有时特指文学或表演艺术 {general term for literature and art; sometimes esp. referring to literature or art of performance}:
- ~团体 {literary and art organizations; theatre company; theatre troupe}
- ~作品 {literary and artistic works}
- ~会演。 {theatrical festival}
文学和艺术的总称,有时特指文学或表演艺术 {general term for literature and art; sometimes esp. referring to literature or art of performance}:
- ~团体 {literary and art organizations; theatre company; theatre troupe}
- ~作品 {literary and artistic works}
- ~会演。 {theatrical festival}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 literature and art
- 文艺创作 literary and artistic creation
- 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists
- 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic fields
- 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists
- 文艺理论 theory of literature and art
- 文艺路线 official line in literature and art
- 文艺青年 literary youth
- 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art
- 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe
- 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
- 文艺座谈会 forum on literature and art
名 literature and art
- 文艺创作 literary and artistic creation
- 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists
- 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic fields
- 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists
- 文艺理论 theory of literature and art
- 文艺路线 official line in literature and art
- 文艺青年 literary youth
- 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art
- 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe
- 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
- 文艺座谈会 forum on literature and art
wényì fùxīng
名 Renaissance
- 文艺复兴时期的艺术/音乐/绘画 Renaissance art/music/painting
wényì fùxīng
名 Renaissance
- 文艺复兴时期的艺术/音乐/绘画 Renaissance art/music/painting
wényì huìyǎn
名 theatrical festival
wényì huìyǎn
名 theatrical festival
wényì jiémù
名 programme of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance
wényì jiémù
名 programme of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance
名 literary and art circles; world of literature and art
名 literary and art circles; world of literature and art
wényì pīpíng
名 literary and art criticism
- 文艺批评家 literary/art critic
wényì pīpíng
名 literary and art criticism
- 文艺批评家 literary/art critic
名 literary film
名 literary film
wényì pínglùn
wényì pínglùn
wényì shèhuìxué
名 sociology of art and literature
wényì shèhuìxué
名 sociology of art and literature
wényì xīnlǐxué
名 psychology of art and literature
wényì xīnlǐxué
名 psychology of art and literature
名 study of art and literature
名 study of art and literature
wényì yǔyán
wényì yǔyán
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典