打白條 打白条
[dǎ bái tiáo]
to write an IOU or promissory note
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
dǎ báitiáo
(~ㄦ {dǎ báitiáor})
1. 开具非正式的收据等。 {give an informal receipt}
2. 收购时用单据代替应付的现款,日后再予以兑付,叫做打白条。 {write out a marked note when purchasing sth., to be paid in cash later accordingly}Pd
dǎ báitiáo
(~ㄦ {dǎ báitiáor})
1. 开具非正式的收据等。 {give an informal receipt}
2. 收购时用单据代替应付的现款,日后再予以兑付,叫做打白条。 {write out a marked note when purchasing sth., to be paid in cash later accordingly}Pd
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
dǎ báitiáo
动 write a non-standard receipt
动 make/write an IOU
dǎ báitiáo
动 write a non-standard receipt
动 make/write an IOU
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典