感性認識 感性认识
[gǎn xìng rèn shi]
perceptual awareness
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
gǎnxìng rèn·shi通过感觉器官对客观事物的片面的、现象的和外部联系的认识。感觉、知觉、表象等是感性认识的形式。感性认识是认识过程中的低级阶段。要认识事物的全体、本质和内部联系,必须把感性认识上升为理性认识。 {perceptual knowledge; phenomenal and one-sided awareness of external elements of the environment through sense organs, which consisting of sense and perception; the initial stage in the course of cognition, an overall, substantial, and internally-related awareness requiring an elevated cognition, i.e. rational knowledge}参看 see 【理性认识】 {lǐxìng rèn·shi}。
gǎnxìng rèn·shi通过感觉器官对客观事物的片面的、现象的和外部联系的认识。感觉、知觉、表象等是感性认识的形式。感性认识是认识过程中的低级阶段。要认识事物的全体、本质和内部联系,必须把感性认识上升为理性认识。 {perceptual knowledge; phenomenal and one-sided awareness of external elements of the environment through sense organs, which consisting of sense and perception; the initial stage in the course of cognition, an overall, substantial, and internally-related awareness requiring an elevated cognition, i.e. rational knowledge}参看 see 【理性认识】 {lǐxìng rèn·shi}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
ɡǎnxìnɡ rènshi
名 perceptual knowledge
- 从感性认识到理性认识的飞跃 leap from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge
ɡǎnxìnɡ rènshi
名 perceptual knowledge
- 从感性认识到理性认识的飞跃 leap from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典