布滿 布满
[bù mǎn]
to be covered with
⇒ 积水
to be filled with
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 be everywhere:
- 天上布满星星。 The sky is full of stars.
动 be everywhere:
- 天上布满星星。 The sky is full of stars.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
besprinkle; bestrew
besprinkle; bestrew
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
bù mǎn
整个面上布满,译be covered with。
- 天空布满了乌云。 The sky was covered with dark clouds.
- 桌子布满灰尘。 The table is covered with dust.
- 草上布满了露水。 The grass was covered with dew.
整个面上只是星星点点地布满,译be studded with。
- 天空布满了星星。 The sky was studded with stars.
- 海湾布满了小岛。 The bay is studded with isles.
- 皇冠上布满了宝石。 The crown is studded with precious stones.
人为地布置,译be set everywhere。
- 城里到处都布满了岗哨。 Sentries were set everywhere in the city.
- 森林里布满了陷阱。 Traps were set everywhere in the forest.
bù mǎn
整个面上布满,译be covered with。
- 天空布满了乌云。 The sky was covered with dark clouds.
- 桌子布满灰尘。 The table is covered with dust.
- 草上布满了露水。 The grass was covered with dew.
整个面上只是星星点点地布满,译be studded with。
- 天空布满了星星。 The sky was studded with stars.
- 海湾布满了小岛。 The bay is studded with isles.
- 皇冠上布满了宝石。 The crown is studded with precious stones.
人为地布置,译be set everywhere。
- 城里到处都布满了岗哨。 Sentries were set everywhere in the city.
- 森林里布满了陷阱。 Traps were set everywhere in the forest.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典