
We should better go all out in working rather than in shouting (slogans).
这是李克强总理在会见采访第十二届全国人大一次会议的中外记者时说的一句话:“改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。”是对实干兴邦的再次诠释(another annotation on the rejuvenation of the country through solid work),也是向实现“中国梦”发出的号令(a command to turn true China dream)。
现场译员借用英语成语将这句话译为Talking the talk is not so good as walking the walk的这句话,不但表达出了原话的基本意义,而且保留了一定的口语的色彩,译得相当出彩。其实此话在不同上下文中也可译为:

It's no good to shout oneself hoarse; we should go all in full swing in working (carrying out the reform).

We should call forth all one's energy/spare no pains in working instead of shouting.

Talking mends no hole.(空说无济于事。)

All talk and no cinder will not do any good.(空口说白话毫无用处。)

Action speaks louder than words.(行动胜于口号。)
2014年两会闭幕后在回答记者提问谈到关于保障房建设时说的“干一寸胜过说一尺(An inch done excels a foot spoken)”也是这个意思。

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