萬難 万难
[wàn nán]
countless difficulties
⇒ 排除万难
extremely difficult
⇒ 难上加难 难上难 高难 千难万难 比登天还难
against all odds
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 all sorts of difficulties:
- 排除万难 surmount all difficulties
II 副 extremely difficult; utterly impossible; by no means:
- 万难同意 can by no means agree
- 万难照办 impossible to do as requested
I 名 all sorts of difficulties:
- 排除万难 surmount all difficulties
II 副 extremely difficult; utterly impossible; by no means:
- 万难同意 can by no means agree
- 万难照办 impossible to do as requested
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 非常难于 {beyond the bonds of possibility; out of the question}:
- ~照办 {absolutely cannot do what one is told to do}
- ~挽回。 {utterly irretrievable}
2. 各种困难 {all kinds of difficulties}:
- 排除~。 {surmount all difficulties}
1. 非常难于 {beyond the bonds of possibility; out of the question}:
- ~照办 {absolutely cannot do what one is told to do}
- ~挽回。 {utterly irretrievable}
2. 各种困难 {all kinds of difficulties}:
- 排除~。 {surmount all difficulties}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
副 extremely difficult; utterly impossible
- 万难从命 impossible to comply with sb's request
- 万难同意 can by no means agree
- 万难推辞 be extremely difficult to say 'no'
- 万难照办 impossible to do as requested
名 all sorts of difficulties
- 排除万难 surmount all difficulties
副 extremely difficult; utterly impossible
- 万难从命 impossible to comply with sb's request
- 万难同意 can by no means agree
- 万难推辞 be extremely difficult to say 'no'
- 万难照办 impossible to do as requested
名 all sorts of difficulties
- 排除万难 surmount all difficulties
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典