{{#seo:| title = {{FULLPAGENAME}}_英文翻译_什么意思 - 翻译宝典| keywords = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思| description = {{FULLPAGENAME}},{{FULLPAGENAME}}英文,{{FULLPAGENAME}}翻译,{{FULLPAGENAME}}是什么意思,{{FULLPAGENAME}}术语含义。}}[[Category:中文]]<div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color=green>[tiān]</font><br><font color=blue>day</font><br>⇒ [[日趋]] [[日复一日]] [[日常]] [[日益]] [[连日]] [[逐日]] [[经常]] [[日子]] [[日]] [[白天]] [[江河日下]] [[流水账]] [[大后天]] [[日渐]] [[国庆日]] [[吉日]] [[散工]] [[丽日]] [[良吉]] [[双十节]] [[第二天]] [[天天]] [[全天]] [[命名日]] [[建军节]] [[念日]] [[见天]] [[每天]] [[厂礼拜]] [[末日]] [[同日]] [[昡]] <br><font color=blue>sky</font><br>⇒ [[空]] [[天空]] [[穹窿]] [[天灯]] [[晴天]] [[穹]] [[霭]] [[昊天]] [[星空]] [[蓝天]] [[青云]] [[天葬]] [[霄汉]] [[叆]] [[天蓝]] [[满天]] [[霜天]] [[阴天]] [[孔明灯]] [[青天]] [[蔚蓝]] [[穹苍]] [[夜空]] [[霁]] [[碧空]] [[横空]] [[远天]] [[天价]] [[长空]] [[连天]] [[空中]] <br><font color=blue>heaven</font><br>⇒ [[堪]] [[上苍]] [[上天]] [[旻]] [[天庭]] [[天堂]] [[霄]] [[天公]] [[远天]] [[太虚]] [[天界]] [[九重霄]] [[天晓得]] [[重霄]] [[喜从天降]] [[两仪]] [[天灾地孽]] [[椿]] [[天造地设]] [[九天]] [[降福]] [[阊]] [[天赐]] [[天坛]] [[天帝]] [[天命]] [[天地]] [[天宫]] [[天人]] [[乾坤]] </div><div class="source>简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color=green>tiān</font><br><font color=blue>I 名 </font><br><font color=blue>1 sky; heaven:</font><br>- 明朗的天 a clear sky <br>- 太阳一出满天红。 The sky is aglow with the rising sun. <br><font color=blue>2 overhead:</font><br>- 天桥 overhead walkway <br><font color=blue>3 day:</font><br>- 每天 every day <br>- 忙了一天 have had a busy day; have done a good day's work <br>- 开学第二天 on the second day of the new term <br>- 夏天天长夜短。 In summer, the days are long and the nights short. <br>- 二月份有几天? How many days are there in the month of February? <br><font color=blue>4 (天儿) period of time in a day:</font><br>- 五更天 around four in the morning <br>- 天不早啦。 It's getting late. <br><font color=blue>5 season:</font><br>- 冷天 cold season; cold days<br><font color=blue>6 weather:</font><br>- 下雨天 wet (or rainy) weather <br>- 天晴了,咱们走吧。 It's cleared up now. Let's go. <br>- 天越来越冷了。 It's getting colder and colder. <br><font color=blue>7 nature:</font><br>- 人定胜天。 Man can conquer nature. or Man will triumph over nature. <br><font color=blue>8 God; Heaven:</font><br>- 天哪! Good Heavens! <br>- 天知道! God knows! <br><font color=blue>9 heaven; paradise </font><br><font color=blue>II 形 natural; inborn; innate [[天性]]</font></div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br>【所属学科】 自然辩证法→自然哲学→中国自然哲学史<br><font color=blue>【英文术语】Heaven</font></div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color=green>tiān</font><br><font color=blue>1. 天空 {sky; heavens}:</font><br>- 顶~立地 {of gigantic stature; dauntless; indomitable}<br>- 太阳一出满~红。 {The sky is aglow with the rising sun.}</font><br><font color=blue>2. 位置在顶部的;凌空架设的 {overhead}:</font><br>- ~棚 {awning; canopy; ceiling}<br>- ~窗 {skylight}<br>- ~桥。 {overhead passage; overpass}</font><br><font color=blue>3. 一昼夜二十四小时的时间,有时专指白天 {day (round the clock); daytime}:</font><br>- 今~ {today}<br>- 每~ {everyday}<br>- 第二~ {the next day; the following day}<br>- 三~三夜 {three days and three nights}<br>- 忙了一~,晚上早点休息吧。 {Having had a busy day, you should retire early.}</font><br><font color=blue>4. (~ㄦ {tiānr})一天里的某一段时间 {a period of time in a day}:</font><br>- 五更~ {dawn; before dawn; around four in the morning}<br>- ~ㄦ还早呢。 {It's still early.}</font><br><font color=blue>5. 季节 {season}:</font><br>- 春~ {spring}<br>- 冷~ {cold days; winter; cold season}<br>- 三伏~ {hot summer}<br>- 黄梅~。 {rainy days}</font><br><font color=blue>6. 天气 {weather}:</font><br>- 阴~ {overcast}<br>- ~晴 {clear; sunny; fine}<br>- ~冷了。 {It's getting cold.}</font><br><font color=blue>7. 天然的;天生的 {natural; inborn; innate; inherent}:</font><br>- ~性 {natural instinct; nature}<br>- ~资 {natural gift; inborn gift; natural endowments}<br>- ~足。 {natural feet; unbound feet}</font><br><font color=blue>8. 自然① {nature}:</font><br>- ~灾。 {natural calamity}</font><br><font color=blue>9. 迷信的人指自然界的主宰者;造物 {(related to superstitious beliefs) God; Heaven; ruler of the natural world}:</font><br>- ~意。 {God's will; will of Heaven}</font><br><font color=blue>10. 迷信的人指神佛仙人所住的地方 {(of superstitious beliefs) abode of gods, Buddha, or immortals}:</font><br>- ~国 {Heaven; heavenly kingdom}<br>- ~堂 {Heaven}<br>- 归~。 {die}營</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color=green>tiān</font><br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>sky; heaven; firmament</font><br>- 一片蓝天 a patch of blue sky<br>- 明朗的天 clear/serene/sunny sky; bright heaven<br>- 高高的蓝天上飘着朵朵小白云。 There were little white clouds high in the blue sky.<br>- 火箭上天。 The rocket shot up into the sky.<br>- 太阳一出满天红。 The sky is aglow with the rising sun.<br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天昏地暗]][[苍天]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>God; Heaven</font><br>- 天哪! My God! /Good heavens!<br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天机]][[天意]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>heaven; paradise</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天国]][[天堂]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>nature</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天灾人祸]][[人定胜天]]<br><font color=orange>形 </font><font color=blue>natural; inborn; innate</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天赋]][[天堑]][[天性]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>weather; skies</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[晴天]][[阴天]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>season</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天寒地冻]][[春天]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>day; day time</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[今天]][[昨天]]<br><font color=orange>名 </font><font color=blue>a period of time in a day</font><br><font color=orange>形 </font><font color=blue>overhead</font><br><font color=gray>另见:</font>[[天窗]][[天桥]][[天线]]</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color="green">/tiān/</font><br><font color=blue>God; Heaven; day; nature; sky; weather</font></div><div class="source">简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典</div>[[Category:简体中文]] <div class="entry"><font color=red>天</font><br><font color=green>tiān</font><br><font color=blue>day,指夜晚连同白天或仅指白天。</font><br>- 一星期有7天。 There are seven days in a week.<br>- 雨接连下了3天3夜。 It rained for three days and three nights on end.<br><font color=blue>weather,指天气。</font><br>- 要变天了。 The weather is threatening.<br>- 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。 April weather, rain and shine both together.<br><font color=blue>it,指与天气有关的自然环境。</font><br>- 天越来越冷了。 It's getting colder and colder.<br>- 天放晴了,麻雀又在喳喳叫了。 It is clearing up, and sparrows are beginning to chirp.<br><font color=blue>sky, 指天空。</font><br>- 思想不是从天上掉下来的,而是精神的必然产物。 Idea did not come from the sky. It was the inevitable product of moral.<br>- 卖东西的既能漫天要价,买东西的也可就低还价。 The seller can ask a price as high as the sky and the buyer can make an offer as low as the earth.<br>- 当时,斯大林被捧上了天。 Stalin was then praised to the skies.<br><font color=blue>heaven,指上天、天堂(一般用大写),但用作复数时小写。</font><br>- 我就是“天诛地灭”,于你又有什么好处? Even Heaven and Earth destroy me, what good will it do you?<br>- 你何曾见过像我哥那样天不怕、地不怕,心里有什么口里就说什么的人? You haven't met my brother, who fears neither Heaven nor Earth and blurts out whatever happens to be in his mind.<br>- 托洛茨基分子不管策略是否对头,把暴力捧上了天。 The Trotskyists praised to the heavens the use of violence regardless of whether or not it was correct tactics.<br><font color=blue>god,指上帝、天神。</font><br>- 谋事在人,成事在天。 Man proposes, God disposes.<br>- 自助者天助之。 God helps those who help themselves.<br><font color=blue>nature, 指自然界。</font><br>- 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.<br>- 天作孽,犹可为;人作孽,不可活。 If disasters come from nature, something can be done to counter them; but if they are of a man's making, he is done for.<br><font color=blue>world,指天下。</font><br>- 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 Nothing in the world is too difficult for a man with a strong will.<br>- 秀才不出门,能知天下事。 Without stepping outside his gate, the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs.<br><font color=blue>above,指在上面。</font><br>- 一个时期天昏地暗,日月无光。 For a time there was gloom above and darkness below, with the rays of the sun and the moon completely shut out.<br>- 有些知识分子现在是15个吊桶打水,七上八下。悬在半空中,上不着天,下不着地。 Some intellectuals are now unsettled, suspended as they are in mid air, they have nothing to hang on to above and no solid ground to rest their feet on below.</div><div class="source">- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典</div>[[Category:简体中文]]